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Group Coaching:

Group Coaching Team Coaching Individuals who come together with a common interest but do not always have the same goal in mind (e.g., completion of a specific project) Individuals who are all aligned and headed to a common goal or outcome (e.g., coached on strategic… Read More »Group Coaching:


In his work on Self Leadership, Andrew Bryant raises some very interesting points. Here are some:  The concept of Self-leadership can be found in the writings of philosophers and poets, both Eastern and Western: EASTERN PHILOSOPHY WESTERN PHILOSOPHY “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao… Read More »Leading-Self:

Mind Your Leadership Strategy:

According to Josh Bersin, Leadership – if developed in a comprehensive way – endures. A focus on leadership strategydrives enduring business performance. It’s not all about the CEO. Long term business performance comes from leadership culture and careful and continuous development of leadership at all levels. A company’s level of maturity in their leadership development… Read More »Mind Your Leadership Strategy: