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Purpose Of Purpose:

Many people go through life without making conscious choices about weather what they do is what they are meant to be doing. When you do what you’re passionate about, what lights you up, it may be an expression of your purpose. We all have a… Read More »Purpose Of Purpose:

How to shift into Brain 3.0

What is Mind-hacking?We define it as using science to enhance the best qualities of being human by proactively steering brain development in a way that physiologically supports greater physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, alignment, and integration. The Calm Clarity Framework is the result of… Read More »How to shift into Brain 3.0

Venting Your Feelings:

When we get stuck in a venting session, it feels good in the moment, because we’re connecting with other people. But if all we do is vent, we don’t address our cognitive needs, too. We aren’t able to make sense of what we’re experiencing, to… Read More »Venting Your Feelings: