Identify your constraints
Determine the most important goal or objective you could attain to get yourself out of this crunch, and then identify your key restraint, the limiting factor that determines the speed at which you attain that goal. Focus on alleviating that single constraint.
- Identify the main constraint. Ask yourself, “Why aren’t I already at my goal?” Knowing the answer allows you to take steps to alleviate the problem.
- Do an internal analysis first. About 80 percent of constraints are found within an organization. The main constraint is often the fear of failure or the fear of rejection.
- Test your excuses. To see if your excuses are valid, ask yourself, “Is there anyone else who has my same excuse but who is moving ahead and succeeding nonetheless?”
- Identify external constraints. Even constraints caused by factors outside the organization can be addressed and dealt with in some way.
- Focus on your main constraint. After identifying the main constraint in each area of activity, focus single-mindedly on removing it.

Unleash your creativity
You are a potential genius; you can find a solution to any problem you face. Think on paper.
Define your problem clearly, develop as many possible solutions as you can, and then take action.
- Consider the consequences. The value of an action can be seen by measuring the potential consequences of doing or not doing it. This allows you to set priorities.
- Your creativity increases with practice. Like a muscle, creativity grows stronger with use. The true definition of creativity is improvement.
- Organize your thinking. Using your mind in an organized fashion can unlock your potential creativity. Start by understanding the real problem you are facing.
- Identify the correct solution. The more ways you define the problem, the more you can define the solution in better and more creative ways. Stating the problem and the solution correctly can increase the likelihood of solving the problem by many times.
- Practice “mindstorming” on your problem. Take your main goal or problem, write it down in the form of a question and come up with 20 possible answers.
- Take action immediately. After generating the 20 answers, select at least one and take action on it right away. Taking immediate action keeps your creativity flowing. There should be room for self-correction and feedback.

Resolve to persist until you succeed
Your decision to never give up is the ultimate guarantor of your eventual success.
You will face a continual set of problems and difficulties throughout your life, but as you face up to and surmount each one, you become all you are capable of becoming, and you’ll grow more surely towards the stars.
Inspired by
Brian Tracy