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Accomplishment & Goals:

  • Achieving goals has been found to enhance wellbeing over time. Pride is a positive emotion that you can experience when you accomplish something personally meaningful to you.
  • Positive emotions are connected with a host of benefits (greater creativity, connection with others, openness to new opportunities, physical and mental wellbeing and so forth).
  • If you pursue goals that match your personal values and interests you are more likely to attain those goals.
  • Using your signature strengths can help you achieve your goals in a more fun and effective way.
  • If you achieve intrinsic goals (relating to growth and connection, rather than money and status), you will experience greater gains in wellbeing.
  • For the greatest chance of success, set yourself achievable goals – remember SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound).
  • Human beings get used to things very quickly (hedonic adaptation), this means we have a tendency NOT to savour our achievements. For optimal wellbeing, they key is to notice, acknowledge and savour your success with others.
  • This process, known as capitalization, involves sharing what went well with others and reliving the positive emotions of that achievement.
  • What do you feel the most proud of?
  • What makes your achievements special?
  • Which character strengths did you need and which values motivated you to work hard and accomplish your goals?
  • What does ‘achievement’ or ‘accomplishment’ mean for you? How would you define it in your life?

Inspired by
Lisa Avery