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Leading With A Coaching Mindset:


Leading with a coaching mindset is a powerful approach to leadership that emphasizes collaboration, empowerment, and growth. It involves using coaching skills and techniques to support and develop others, and to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Key Components

Focus on Strengths

Leading with a coaching mindset involves focusing on the strengths of team members, and helping them to build on those strengths to achieve their goals. By focusing on strengths, leaders can help team members to feel empowered, engaged, and motivated.

Active Listening

Leaders who lead with a coaching mindset listen actively to their team members, seeking to understand their perspectives and needs. This involves listening without judgment, asking clarifying questions, and reflecting back what is heard to ensure understanding.

Asking Powerful Questions

Leading with a coaching mindset involves asking powerful questions that encourage team members to think deeply and explore new possibilities. These questions are open-ended, thought-provoking, and encourage reflection and self-discovery.

Providing Constructive Feedback

Leaders who lead with a coaching mindset provide constructive feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on development. Feedback is given in a supportive way that focuses on strengths and opportunities for growth.

Encouraging Accountability

Leading with a coaching mindset involves encouraging team members to take ownership of their goals and hold themselves accountable for their progress. This involves setting clear expectations, providing support and guidance, and creating a culture of trust and empowerment.

Leading with a coaching mindset can have a powerful impact on team performance and engagement. By focusing on strengths, active listening, powerful questioning, constructive feedback, and accountability, leaders can create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where team members are empowered to take ownership of their goals and reach their full potential.

What exactly is 
Lead As A

The LEAD AS A COACH®: Training Program is designed to equip leaders with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to create a culture of empowerment, growth, and continuous learning in their team.

The Lead As A Coach®: Training Program characteristics:

Focus On Skill Development such as active listening, powerful questioning, & constructive feedback, providing participants with ample opportunities to practice these skills in real-life situations.

Emphasis On Self-Awareness to help leaders develop it, including an understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, biases, and communication styles. This self-awareness is essential for effective coaching and for building trusting relationships with team members.

Alignment With Organizational Goals and values, ensuring that coaching is seen as a core part of the organization’s culture and that leaders are equipped to support the organization’s strategic objectives.

Integration With Other Leadership Development Programs such as leadership training or mentorship programs, ensuring that coaching is seen as a key component of the organization’s overall leadership development strategy.

Support From Senior Leadership including a clear commitment to coaching as a key leadership skill. Senior leaders should actively participate in the program and model coaching behaviors to create a culture of coaching across the organization.

Evaluation And Feedback mechanisms to ensure that the program is meeting its goals and delivering results. This feedback is used to refine the program and ensure that it continues to meet the needs of participants and the organization.

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Lead As A Coach & Coaching

A coach plays a critical role in helping leaders develop and strengthen their coaching skills, which in turn can help them lead with a coaching mindset.
Here are some ways a coach can help leaders:

  • Assess The Leader’s Current Coaching Skills: A coach can conduct an assessment of the leader’s current coaching skills and provide feedback on areas where improvement is needed. This feedback can help the leader identify areas of strength as well as areas that need improvement.
  • Develop A Coaching Plan: A coach can work with the leader to develop a coaching plan that outlines specific goals, timelines, and strategies for developing coaching skills. The plan can be tailored to the leader’s specific needs and can include training, practice opportunities, and ongoing support.
  • Provide Ongoing Support And Feedback: A coach can provide ongoing support and feedback to the leader as they work to develop their coaching skills. This support can include regular check-ins, feedback on coaching sessions, and guidance on how to overcome challenges.
  • Model Coaching Behaviors: A coach can model coaching behaviors and techniques for the leader, showing them how to use active listening, powerful questioning, and constructive feedback to support team members. This modeling can help the leader see coaching in action and understand how to apply coaching skills in their own leadership practice.
  • Provide Resources And Tools: A coach can provide resources and tools to support the leader’s development as a coach, such as books, articles, and online training programs. These resources can help the leader deepen their understanding of coaching and develop new skills and techniques.

Overall, a coach can be a valuable resource for leaders who want to lead with a coaching mindset. By assessing the leader’s current coaching skills, developing a coaching plan, providing ongoing support and feedback, modeling coaching behaviors, and providing resources and tools, a coach can help leaders develop the skills they need to create a culture of empowerment, growth, and continuous learning.


Leading with a coaching mindset involves using coaching skills and techniques to empower individuals or teams to reach their full potential. This approach focuses on helping others to develop self-awareness, discover their strengths, identify and overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) provides a set of coaching competencies that are essential for effective coaching. These competencies are applied in leadership contexts to help leaders lead with a coaching mindset.

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The goal of the LEAD AS A COACH® program is to develop leaders who can effectively coach their team members to improve performance, increase engagement, and achieve goals. The program’s objectives include:

  • Develop a deep understanding of coaching and its benefits: Participants will learn about the principles and benefits of coaching, including how it can be used to develop individuals and teams, and how it can help to achieve organizational goals.
  • Identify coaching opportunities: Participants will learn how to recognize coaching opportunities in their day-to-day interactions with their team members and identify situations where coaching can be effective.
  • Apply ICF coaching competencies: Participants will learn and practice ICF coaching competencies such as active listening, powerful questioning, and creating awareness, to help their team members reach their full potential.
  • Build trust and rapport: Participants will learn how to establish trust and build strong relationships with their team members, which is essential for effective coaching.
  • Create an action plan: Participants will create a plan of action to apply coaching skills and competencies in their leadership role, identify coaching opportunities, and measure progress.
  • Develop coaching skills through practice and feedback: Participants will practice coaching skills through role-playing and receive feedback from peers and coaches to help them improve their coaching effectiveness.
  • Measure coaching effectiveness: Participants will learn how to measure coaching effectiveness by setting clear goals, tracking progress, and evaluating outcomes.

By the end of the program, participants will have developed the skills and competencies needed to lead with a coaching mindset and effectively coach their team members to improve performance and achieve goals.


There are many different ways to learn, so we choose a mix of learning methods that will appeal to our participants. Some people learn best by reading, while others prefer to learn by doing.

Our LEAD AS A COACH® Program offers a variety of learning opportunities, such as self-assessments, goal setting, training, and coaching. This program consists of:

  • 16 hours of training
  • 6 hours of 1 to 1 coaching


Learning is not just about acquiring new knowledge; it is also about applying that knowledge and reflecting on how you can improve. Our LEAD AS A COACH® Program will provide opportunities for participants to get feedback on their performance and to reflect on their learning. This is done through individual coaching, group discussions, assessments and 360-degree feedback.


Our Lead As A Coach® Program is designed to help individuals develop coaching skills to enhance their leadership and management skills. As such, anyone who wants to improve their leadership and management skills, develop a coaching mindset, and improve their ability to manage teams can participate in this program.

The program can be beneficial for people from all walks of life, including managers, executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone who is in a leadership role or aspiring to become one. It is especially useful for those who want to enhance their communication skills, build stronger relationships with their team members, and create a positive work environment.

In summary, anyone who is committed to personal and professional growth, wants to improve their leadership and management skills, and develop a coaching mindset can benefit from the program.

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