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The 4 Levels of Experience:

ROOF: Our Why, Values, Dreams, Vision, Purpose, Goals
ROOM 1. Comfort ZoneROOM 2. Stretch Zone

Connecting with family, friends, doing the hobbies we love
Learning, growing, going on a new adventure
Feels good
Good for self
Good for others
Good for the wider good

Doesn’t feel good
Good for self
Good for others
Good for wider good

ROOM 3. Quick FixROOM 4. Quit
Enjoying too much chocolate, procrastination, short-term good feeling but not sustainable 
Depression, anger, apathy, fatigue and this is when we decide to quit and move to room 1 and 2
Feels good
Isn’t good for self
Isn’t good for others
Isn’t good for the wider good
Doesn’t feel good
Isn’t good for self
Isn’t good for others
Isn’t good for the wider good

The quality of your life will be determined my how much you choose to be in level 1 and 2, which is determined by the clarity of your over-arching roof — your “why”. Your purpose, why you do what you do, your reason for being.

If you are not aware of your vision, or purpose, or dreams, your values or goals, you can become rudderless, floating with the tides, storms, winds or no winds. You might be lucky and avoid smashing onto the rocks, perhaps aware or unaware of what you have missed in your life, or you may find yourself shipwrecked — crashed and broken. 

By having a target to steer toward, which you know is good for yourself and others, you can make conscious decisions to move into levels 1 and 2, which will provide fulfillment, support, heathy challenge, learning and growth.

You are human after all, and will find yourself becoming distracted and lured into levels 2 and 4; that’s OK if you recognize it is happening, because you can then take responsibility and also take your power back to make a conscious choice: stay in the basement or choose levels 1 and 2 where you re-energize, expand and develop.