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Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is all about nurturing your talents and improving your life. Focusing on the following domains of developing your Talents / Potential versus solving your problems:1. Subjective (Feeling good)2. Individual (Being a good person)3. Social (Civic virtues) Whereas Negative Emotions lead to fear and… Read More »Positive Psychology

The 3 Characteristics of Transformative Change:

Transformative Change is not only a philosophical but also a practical and strategic process we use to effect sweeping change within an organization, e.g., implementing a coaching culture . The same process applies to individuals.

The 4 Dimensions of Wellbeing:

Wellness is a holistic integration of all 4 dimensions. It is “a lifestyle and a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to become the best kind of person that your potentials and fate will allow”.

Become the Best Version of You:

There are incredible unique powers lying dormant within you. There is no “ideal” time to really level up. Every day you need to be more attuned to your creativity and intuition, become stronger and more resilient, and perform at peak levels.